Linking sentences

Words and constructions that could be used in comparative writing:


When making connections between similar aspects of texts:

  • I noticed in both X and Y that . . .
  • This situation in X is very like the part in Y where . . .
  • Joe in X reminds me of Mary in Y where he says . . .
  • Joe in X reminds me of Mary in Y because they both . . .
  • This way of thinking / behaving is typical of both X and Y.
  • When we turn to Y again we see / find . . .



When recognising differences between texts:

  • However, in Y . . .
  • . . . unlike what happens in X
  • What a contrast to X where . . .
  • X differs from Y in that . . .
  • X shows us . . . whereas Y . . .


When showing that similarities / differences need to be qualified:

  • This situation also crops up in Y, but things work out very differently . . .
  • Although X and Y deal with a similar theme, X treats it tragically while Y plays up the comedy.
  • X and Y deal with similar problems, but X’s world is very different from Y’s.
  • In both texts, you see into the hero’s mind; in X this is done through first person narrative, whereas in Y . . .
  • X and Y both deal with . . . but they offer strongly contrasting points of view.


These are pointers and suggestions only, but they should lead to useful comparisons within the modes, especially the final set.